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First, load the weisiger2014 data set.


# load weisiger2014 data
weis <- crdata::weisiger2014

# show weisiger2014 data set
#> Rows: 35
#> Columns: 7
#> $ resist      <dbl> 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0…
#> $ polity_conq <dbl> -6, -5, 3, -6, -6, -9, -9, -5, -9, -4, -9, -9, -4, -9, -7,…
#> $ lndist      <dbl> 9.127671, 5.483439, 7.811700, 7.305770, 7.584401, 6.358510…
#> $ terrain     <dbl> 31.2, 22.2, 47.6, 1.1, 28.4, 0.0, 0.0, 10.5, 10.5, 21.6, 2…
#> $ soldperterr <dbl> -3.97814370, -3.10807820, -3.89651870, -1.29540790, -4.695…
#> $ gdppc2      <dbl> 685.9000, 1457.0000, 912.1334, 676.0000, 681.7000, 4831.00…
#> $ coord       <dbl> 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1…

To facilitate interpretation and comparability, rescale the explanatory variables using arm::rescale() (i.e., so that continuous explanatory variables have mean zero and SD 0.5 and the binary explanatory variables to have mean zero.)

# rescale weisiger2014 explanatory variables using arm::rescale()
rs_weis <- weis %>%
  mutate(across(polity_conq:coord, arm::rescale)) %>%
#> Rows: 35
#> Columns: 7
#> $ resist      <dbl> 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0…
#> $ polity_conq <dbl> -0.18230763, -0.10050293, 0.55393473, -0.18230763, -0.1823…
#> $ lndist      <dbl> 0.934818228, -0.938114356, 0.258482472, -0.001537566, 0.14…
#> $ terrain     <dbl> 0.32513516, 0.09430898, 0.74575175, -0.44685017, 0.2533225…
#> $ soldperterr <dbl> -0.641316029, -0.467859669, -0.625043259, -0.106485507, -0…
#> $ gdppc2      <dbl> -0.354801313, -0.127853930, -0.288217123, -0.357715045, -0…
#> $ coord       <dbl> 0.7428571, -0.2571429, 0.7428571, 0.7428571, -0.2571429, -…

Now we fit three models.

  1. Least squares, which replicates Model 3 of Table 2 of Weisiger (2014).
  2. A logit alternative, fit with maximum likelihood.
  3. A logit alternative, fit with penalized maximum likelihood using the {brglm2} package.
# fit models 
f <- resist ~ polity_conq + lndist + terrain + soldperterr + gdppc2 + coord
ls <- lm(f, data = rs_weis) # lpm (replicates Table 2 Model 3 of Weisiger 2014)
mle <- glm(f, data = rs_weis, family = "binomial") # logistic regression
pmle <- glm(f, data = rs_weis, family = "binomial", method = brglm2::brglmFit) # logistic regression

To interpret the results, we might focus on Weisiger’s Hypothesis 12.

Hypothesis: Resistance will be more likely when the pre-war political leader remains at large in the conquered country.

The table below compares the estimates.

modelsummary::modelsummary(list("Least Squares" = ls, 
                                "Logit via MLE" = mle, 
                                "Logit via PMLE" = pmle))
Least Squares Logit via MLE Logit via PMLE
(Intercept) 0.400 −0.731 −0.477
(0.058) (0.832) (0.523)
polity_conq −0.275 −4.208 −2.277
(0.165) (2.689) (1.657)
lndist 0.473 6.886 3.402
(0.161) (3.666) (1.828)
terrain 0.202 1.320 1.102
(0.148) (2.323) (1.358)
soldperterr −0.128 −0.302 −0.595
(0.171) (1.997) (1.419)
gdppc2 −0.129 −3.275 −1.154
(0.154) (3.553) (1.833)
coord 0.436 5.648 3.051
(0.152) (3.087) (1.548)
Num.Obs. 35 35 35
R2 0.608
R2 Adj. 0.524
AIC 32.6 29.5 32.1
BIC 45.0 40.4 43.0
Log.Lik. −8.291 −7.756 −9.074
F 7.244 1.210 1.576
RMSE 0.31 0.27 0.27

The plot below compares the estimates. Notice that Firth’s PML estimator produces smaller estimates and CIs.

modelsummary::modelplot(list("Logit via MLE" = mle, "Logit via PMLE" = pmle), conf_level = 0.90)