Get the Raw Data

We need several data sets for this project.

  1. The IDEA events data (King and Lowe 2003) from Dataverse. These files are very large and there are several.
  2. The states2016.csv and system2016.csv State System Membership data sets from the Correlates of War that we use to define the country-years.

The IDEA Events Data

# load packages

# options
options(timeout = max(10*60, getOption("timeout")))

## Note: see and 
## for a couple of wierd
## issues with this particular dataverse repo. I think for some reason
## this breaks the dataverse::get_data() function

# set up 
Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "")
dataset <- get_dataset("hdl:1902.1/FYXLAWZRIA")
dataset$files[c("filename", "contentType")]

# files to download from dataverse
filenames <- c("Sectors of Source _ Target.txt", 
               "Levels of Source _ Target.txt",
               "Names of Source _ Target.txt",
               "1990-1994 Data (N=2_679_938).tab",
               "1995-1999 Data (N=4_108_102)",
               "2000-2004 Data (N=3464898).tab")
# create a data frame with filenames and associated ids
filenames_df <- dataset$files[, c("label", "id")] %>%
  rename(filename = label) %>%
  filter(filename %in% filenames) %>%
  mutate(download_url = paste0("", id)) %>%

# make the filenames compatible with make
filenames_df$clean_filename <- filenames_df$filename %>%
  # convert to lower case
  str_to_lower() %>%
  # replace spaces with dashes
  str_replace_all(" ", "-") %>%
  # remove any extensions (the raw data have .tab, .txt, and missing extensions)
  str_remove("\\.[:alnum:]*") %>%
  # add a common.txt extension
  str_c(".txt") %>%
  # quick look

# set directory to save files; create if nec
dir <- "data/king-lowe-2008/"
if (!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir)

# download and write each file
for (i in 1:length(filenames)) {
  cat(paste0("Working on ",filenames_df$filename[i]))
  # -?- # doesn't work: file <- get_file(filenames[i], "hdl:1902.1/FYXLAWZRIA", format = "original")
  # -?- # not need bc above doesn't work: writeBin(file, paste0(dir, clean_filenames[i]))
  # -?- # see here for more
  download.file(url = filenames_df$download_url[i], paste0(dir, filenames_df$clean_filename[i]))

The State System Membership

# states2016.csv
read_csv("") %>%

# system2016.csv
read_csv("") %>%